
Thank you to our guests, volunteers, sponsors and trustees for a great festival!!
Let's do it again August 22, 23 and 24, 2025

Part of the Middleton Good Neighbor Festival is taking time out to recognize the people in the community who exemplify what it means to be a Good Neighbor. Here are the 2024 winners:
Your 2024 Good Neighbor Awards

Carl Theis has dedicated his entire life to Middleton, a community he deeply cherishes. Growing up near the high school, raising his family, and spending his entire career here, Carl has continually given back to Middleton in countless ways. At the age of 22, Carl joined the Middleton Fire Department, following in the footsteps of his father. His dedication inspired his brothers to join as well. Over the years, he rose through the ranks to become a Captain, and he remains an active firefighter today, 48 years later.
Carl's career at Elm Lawn Elementary School began when he was 24 and spanned over four decades until his retirement at 67. As head custodian, he developed meaningful relationships with teachers, staff, parents, and especially the students. His warm interactions and genuine care have left a lasting impact on thousands of people across multiple generations within the community.
Carl is a beloved figure in Middleton, known for his selfless service and humble demeanor. Whether recognized for his work at the school, his heroic actions as a firefighter, or simply as a friend and neighbor, he is always ready to lend a helping hand. His humility and unwavering commitment to Middleton make him a Good Neighbor.
Carl Theis

Jim is known to many Middletonians either from his 27 years as a Middleton Alder or from his 12 years as a crossing guard protecting Sauk Trail and Elm Lawn school children and their parents.
Jim was the Middleton Common Council President for ten years, and chaired several city committees such as Finance, Personnel, License & Ordinance, Emergency Medical Services, Transportation and Recycling, and spent 22 years on the Plan Commission. Yet he’s still in love with Middleton.
These days Jim can be found as the self-described “Jack of All Trades” at the Middleton Senior Center. If not there, Jim is likely decorating his home on Amherst Road in spectacular displays for every holiday or attending and volunteering at numerous festivals and events in Middleton, including Good Neighbor Festival. Jim is one of the resident geniuses on the award-winning “Brains That Wouldn’t Die” trivia team.
If Middleton had a goodwill ambassador, it would surely be Jim Wexler.
Jim Wexler

Brian Strassburg is known to his neighbors as “The Mayor of Hubbard Avenue”. Several neighbors nominated him, and each mentioned his welcoming nature. New neighbors become fast friends as soon as they arrive. Brian decided that having a gathering spot for friends in his garage was a better use of space than parking vehicles, so these days neighbors know that if the door is open, they should come on in. When a neighbor is in a pinch, Brian is generous with loaning anything from tools and ladders to his truck. His ability to organize neighborhood potlucks is legendary.
Brian is an artist and shares his talents. He hosts pop-up art exhibits at his home and invites the neighborhood. He has published entertaining topical cartoons in local publications.
Brian served as the chair of the Landmarks Committee in Middleton for many years and was instrumental in creating Middleton’s first historic district in Elmwood and Hubbard Avenues.
He produced a guide called “Caring for Middleton Landmarks” and secured the grant to improve the exterior of the Middleton Depot.
In addition to all of these, Brian has loyally tended to all the daily needs of his wife Lois following her stroke 14 years ago.
Brian Strassburg
Best Overall
Each year the Good Neighbor Festival Parade gives out awards for outstanding entries. Here are this year's winners
Best Business
Best Nonprofit
Best Youth Group
Best Entertainment
Infinity Martial Arts
Kittleson Swim School
Asbury Church
Middleton High School Marching Band
Forward Marching Band

Thank you to all the participants and spectators at our 61st
Good Neighbor Festival Parade.